Hampton Roads Reiki
Practitioner & Teacher Directory
This site has been created as a resource for all who are interested in the healing art of Reiki. On these pages, you will be able to learn what Reiki is, its history, and its benefits. Additionally, you will be able to find a local Reiki Practitioner for booking a Reiki session, or a local Reiki Teacher for booking a Reiki Certification Class. We hope you enjoy the site.
If you would like to book a Reiki session, or a class, just click on the Reiki Practitioners & Teachers tab, in the menu at the top of this page. Then click on your preferred city in the drop down menu, and contact your Reiki Professional of choice.
Any Reiki Professional listed is qualified to give sessions. The Reiki Master/Teachers listed are qualified to give Reiki sessions, and to teach Reiki classes.
If you are a Reiki Professional, and would like to be included in this website’s directory, or for any other questions, email Jeannette at reikiessenceinstitute@yahoo.com
Wishing you a day filled with Joy and Light!
© 2009-2023 HamptonRoadsReiki.com. All rights reserved.